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Managers DEIB reading and discussion group

Managers DEIB reading and discussion group In-Person

Welcome to our reading and discussion group.  We're excited to get started with you all, and are appreciative that you are taking the time to talk with us.

Our primary book is From equity talk to equity walk: expanding practitioner knowledge for racial justice in higher education (McNair, Bensimon, and Malcom-Piqueux). I don't expect you'll have time to come by the office, so I have put the first assignment online in our Canvas community.  We'd like you to read through Chapter One and the first section of Chapter Two.  You'll see these pdf files in the Canvas community. The book is also available as an e-book through the library: https://montclair.on.worldcat.org/v2/oclc/1134076567, and I believe we have a hard copy on reserve, too.

We are asking for some preparation for each meeting.  The reading is very fast, and I think you'll find it interesting.

Thursday, May 5, 2022
12:00pm - 1:30pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Special Collections - 218
  Faculty Leaders  
Registration has closed.

When you have a chance, please stop by the Office for Faculty Advancement office, Library 140A to pick one up . I suggest calling first as I'd hate to have you make the trek and find the door shut.  The number is x3276.

In the future we will have hybrid meetings, which have worked well for the faculty group. If ASL services are needed, please let us know one week in advance. Contact Anthony Knowles via email at knowlesa@montclair.edu


Profile photo of Leslie Wilson
Leslie Wilson

Professor of History, Associate Dean, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, and expert on environmental racism in New York City, community development, American History and African American studies.

Profile photo of Emily Isaacs
Emily Isaacs

Professor and Executive Director of the Office for Faculty Excellence, has been at Montclair State University for 25 years. Her areas of research expertise include higher education pedagogy, teaching writing, assessment, and public higher educational practices.


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