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Discussing Equity: Using Protocols to Deepen Conversation and Raise Intellectual Engagement

Discussing Equity: Using Protocols to Deepen Conversation and Raise Intellectual Engagement Online

Dr Patricia Virella, an OFE guest-host and professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, is offering this session which aims to teach participants how to use discussion protocols in their classes when discussing issues of equity or other sensitive topics. Protocols allow for structured conversation, thoughtful listening, and pausing to deepen intellectual engagement and mutual understanding. Discussion protocols are also tools for equity because, as deNoyelles et al. (2014) explain, they allow for multiple and different perspectives to be heard. Anticipate an active session of learning by experiencing and doing. Participants are asked to read the following in advance: Zarretta Hamond's "The Power of Protocols for Equity."  https://www.ascd.org/el/articles/the-power-of-protocols-for-equity

Wednesday, September 28, 2022
10:00am - 11:30am
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.
Registration has closed.

If ASL services are needed, please email Faculty@montclair.edu one week in advance.


Profile photo of Patricia Virella
Patricia Virella

Dr. Patricia M. Virella, an assistant professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, has joined OFE as a Faculty Leader for AY24.  Dr. Virella’s research focuses on implementing equity-oriented leadership through leader responses, programmatic interventions, and preparation. Dr. Virella also studies equity-oriented crisis leadership examining how school leaders can respond to crises without further harming marginalized communities. She seeks to answer research questions to enable transformation and liberation in school leaders, districts and policies.


Profile photo of Emily Isaacs
Emily Isaacs

Professor and Executive Director of the Office for Faculty Excellence, has been at Montclair State University for 25 years. Her areas of research expertise include higher education pedagogy, teaching writing, assessment, and public higher educational practices.


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