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Leading a Student Research Team: Tips from Veteran Faculty: An OFE Partners Session

Leading a Student Research Team: Tips from Veteran Faculty: An OFE Partners Session Online

Undergraduate as well as graduate student research is on the rise, and both students and faculty benefit from these opportunities (see article on benefits for HSIs). The challenge is to figure out how to manage your team and projects effectively. In this panel, veteran team leaders, Laura Lakusta, Psychology, and Nicole Lytle, Child Advocacy and Social Work, will share their insights and tips from years of working in research labs with both funded and unfunded graduate and undergraduate students. They make it work and so can you. 


Thursday, October 27, 2022
1:00pm - 2:15pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.
Registration has closed.


Profile photo of Laura Lakusta
Laura Lakusta

Dr. Laura Lakusta is a Professor of Psychology at Montclair State University and runs the Cognitive and Language Development Lab with funding from the NSF. She received her Ph.D. in Psychological and Brain Science/Cognitive Science from Johns Hopkins University. She specializes in cognitive and language development in normally developing infants, children, and adults, and children who have Williams syndrome. 


Profile photo of Nicole Lytle
Nicole Lytle

Dr. Nicole Lytle is an Associate Professor of Social Work and Child Advocacy. She received her Ph.D. in experimental psychology from the University of Toledo. Dr. Lytle co-directs The Talking Lab with Jason Dickinson (Psychology) where they study eyewitness testimony and forensic interviewing strategies. The lab has received continuous support from the National Science Foundation, which promotes research involving students.


Profile photo of Emily Isaacs
Emily Isaacs

 Interim Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs, Professor in the Department of Writing Studies, and the Managing Director of the OFE, Emily Isaacs has a long record of teaching, scholarship, and service at Montclair State University. She has published numerous articles on teaching writing, writing programming in public higher education, and challenges in higher education.


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